• Advocacy
  • Assisting with testimony
  • Drafting regulations and rulemaking
  • Enforcement
  • Investigations
  • Monitoring


WC&B attorneys combine in-depth knowledge of the decision-making process with substantive legal analysis to help clients navigate the complex regulatory landscape.

Webster, Chamberlain & Bean represents clients before both the executive branch and independent agencies engaged in rulemaking and other regulatory activities. We have been involved in petitioning government to develop regulatory solutions as well as opposing certain rulemaking proceedings.


Our practice encompasses a diverse group of clients with many regulatory interests. We recognize the necessity of maintaining a good working relationship with regulators, while at the same time being able to advocate our client’s position and to disagree with the regulator without being disagreeable.


Among the agencies before which we have represented clients are the Federal Trade Commission, Consumer Product Safety Commission, Federal Election Commission, ANSI, Internal Revenue Service, U.S. Postal Service, Department of Labor, Department of Transportation, Federal Reserve Board, Department of Justice, Department of Energy, Food and Drug Administration, the Department of Health and Human Services, and state and local agencies.